Rich Isn't What's In Your Bank Account...Post 1!

Rich isn't what's in your bank account, rich is what's in your character!
That is a quote I heard several years ago, and it stuck with me.  Simple, yet so true!
I would like to share with you some quick tips, tricks, etc. over the next few weeks that I've learned.  When my family says I can squeeze a dollar out of a dime, I consider that a great compliment. 
Now don't get me wrong, I thought I was cool when I graduated college with school loans, about 9 credit cards, car payment, and you get the DEBT up to my eyeballs.
But more on that later...
Today, let's talk about being a pricing freak!  Did you know, if you're not watching, you could be spending a bunch of money at the store and never even know it.  I used to think how crazy it was that people would watch as each item was rang up to make sure the price was right (usually a little old lady)...but guess what...I was the crazy one.  Now, I try to watch my items being rang up, ESPECIALLY items that are on sale.
For example, last week I noticed this King's Hawaiian stuffing on sale for $1.  I picked up two bags, and made sure I picked ones that actually had the pricing sticker on them (notice white tag on left).  When I got to the register, they both rang up at $3.98 each.  Obviously, I quickly pointed it out to the cashier.  She had to call the manager over, which took longer than needed...but people, this was a purchase of $2 vs. $8!  If I had not been paying attention, I could have overpaid by 300%.  Folks that's crazy! 

I don't know about you, but if a product says one price, I don't want to pay another when I get to the register.  Some stores are notorious for this. 
After Christmas I also hit up a Walgreens.  Let me first say I was shocked to walk around the corner and notice a sign that said 90% off Christmas decor and paper...most of the other stores in the area still had Christmas leftovers at 25% to 50% off.  So I say to myself...SCORE!!!!

The wrapping paper below was $2.99 per role, which made it 29-cents.  When I got to the register, however, none of the items were ringing up 90% off.  The cashier told me the items were only 70%.  I explained the sign said 90%.  We both walk over to the isle where she acknowledges I was correct.  We get back to the register with my FULL buggy.  I politely warn the shoppers behind me that this could take a while, giving them warning so they could move to another line. 
The poor cashier panics, and pulls out a calculator.  Obviously, 90% off is an easy one to figure in your head...if it's $2.50 then you should pay 25-cents.  I told her that I could figure in my head and just let her do the ringing up.  She commented that I must be like a human calculator...only if she knew I can't even remember my own phone number half the time.

I picked up several things for use during the year for other holidays and birthdays.  Notice the blue polka dot paper, great for birthdays and more.  The solid red paper can also be used during the year.  I picked up enough Christmas paper that will probably get me through the next 2 years.
They also had lots of tissue paper and some gift bags.  I won't even tell you how much tissue paper I got for 9 cents a pack...enough! 

I work hard for my money, and try to make wise decisions about how I spend it.  I used to get embarrassed when I slowed the line up with a handful of coupons or had a clerk do a price check on something that rang up wrong, but I don't anymore. 
If you're not paying attention, this is a simple way you could be tossing money down the drain!  In short...PAY ATTENTION!
