Score on Christmas Clearance!

I'm always checking out holiday clearance sections for items I can use throughout the year.
Yesterday, I was at my local Wal-Mart...the manager and employee were on the Christmas Clearance isle and I asked the manager if he was marking it down again...currently 75%.  He said, yes, he would take 90% off...SCORE!

Unfortunately there were not a ton of things left but one thing I stocked up on was white boxes.  These boxes obviously don't go bad and you can use them for EVERYTHING...  This is the back of my car!

I used several last night after an afternoon of baking to package up a cake and several cupcakes to send out to family.  I had a couple of really great helpers!

These white craft boxes are great for putting your personal labels on them.  Many of the high end cupcakeries and bakeries use the same boxes.  

So take a second to look at items for alternative uses...
