Cool alternative to dog treats...

Recently I took my dog Hershey to the vet and they mentioned he might need to get his teeth cleaned.  $90 plus the cost of sedating him...Don't think so....


Hershey loves eating ice, he chomps it down like a bone. 

The added plus, his teeth are cleaner than they have ever been, and I didn't have to spend all that money!

Another added bonus, I fill his water dish every morning with ice, and it stays cool for a long while.  Even with him being a house dog, it's easy for him to get too hot, especially when he goes out...he loves the ice!  The ice is also much cheaper than dog treats too...

The only may find little wet spots from where chards of ice have melted on the floor that your dog might have missed...but if you love your dog like I do Hershey, you'll get use to it!
