My Valentine's Gift...Wooden Lighted Wall Cross

I've been waiting on this day for several months our last church there was beautiful cross that was backlit in the baptistry.  I wanted one for our home and told my hubbs that it would be wonderful to have finished for Valentine's Day...

Que the hubbs and the old barn wood I mentioned in a previous post...

I've been looking at this blank wall since we moved in...

My Hershey was helping take photos...he's such a good boy...

Side bar...some of you have asked about the lights over my dining room table.  They're IKEA...they come in a flat box and you put them together like a puzzle...

I've said it, and I'll say it again...I can't wait for IKEA needs to happen!

Back to my project...

Here it goes...

Finished product...

I LOVVVVVVE  it!  I plan on leaving the light on all the time...This is just what I wanted...

It's 5 ft by 4 ft....I will try to remember to take a picture of it at night.  My guy came through for me again....


Elizabeth said…
the cross is awesome!!!
LJ Swan said…
Thank you...I will be sure to tell my hubby!
LJ Swan said…
Thank you...I will be sure to tell my hubby!
LJ Swan said…
It is a basic light bar from Home Depot, similar to what you might have over a kitchen sink. The light is inside the cross and there are small pieces of wood on each end of cross keeping it from being flush with the wall. Im sure I've confused you!
Anonymous said…
Hi, I just want to say how much I love your cross it is so inspiring. My hubbs and I collect crosses, I had been looking for one for a very long time, shopping on line and other shops here and there so, we either find them or make them. This is one that I would like to make. We have an entry wall that would be perfect for it. I have a question can you tell me what is the depth, width, of the wood. Since our entry is rather dark I think it would definitely go well there. I want to thank you for the beautiful inspiration. Blessing to you both. I hope to hear back from you.
Anonymous said…
Hi again, I tried to post my name but it would not come up. Hope you don't mind I can be reached at both my hubbs are retired and this is a wonderful project we love to work on. Thx again.
Anonymous said…
What if you show the back of the light as an update picture. I am not sure I understand how it was done. I would love to do this.
Leigh said…
How can I purchase this??